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Who Own This Barcode?


GS1 Prefix 6211139
Company Name Abdul Rahman Al Homsi Est.
Arabic Company Name مؤسسة عبد الرحمن الحمصي
General Informations
Company Address Jaramanah Damascus Country Side
Arabic Company Address ريف دمشق جرمانا
Manager Name Abdul Rahman Al Homsi
Phones 0991-645424 / 0933-217592
Faxes / ysedawi@gmail.com
Email hk.avice@gmail.com
City Damascus Country Side
Industry registration Number N/A
Industry Room Number
Commerce Registration Number 70152
Commerce Room Number 37646
Employee Number 3
Industry Type Cosmetics
Authorized To Sign Abdul Rahman Al Homsi
Export Countries
Company Products
Avice - 1.0 - 150غ
Avice - 1.0 - 150غ*24
Avice - 1.0 - 50غ
Avice - 1.0 - 50غ*48
Avice - 1.0 - 100غ

Please contact us for more details

    Tel/Fax: +963 (11) 54 27 909 / +963 (11) 47 37 0090/1  
Email: ean-syria@net.sy / gs1syria@mail.sy