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Who Own This Barcode?


GS1 Prefix 6211294
Company Name Malva Cosmetics Co.
Arabic Company Name مالفا لصناعة مستحضرات التجميل المحدودة المسؤولية
General Informations
Company Address Yabroud Damascus Country Side
Arabic Company Address يبرود ربف دمشق
Manager Name Haytham Inawi - Adnan Keshkeih - M. Khaled Al Najar - Mahmoud alyan
Phones 0994-741992 / 011-7815034 / 0969-982133
Email info@malva.sy
City Damascus Country Side
Industry registration Number 141
Industry Room Number 13156
Commerce Registration Number 8654
Commerce Room Number N/A
Employee Number 6
Industry Type Cosmetics
Authorized To Sign Bashar Keshkeih
Export Countries Yaman
Company Products
Malva - Panthenol with Honey Cream - 40Gr
Malva - Panthenol with Honey Cream - 40Gr*72
Malva - Baby Cream - 40Gr
Malva - Baby Cream - 40Gr*72
Malva - Emollient Cream - 50Gr

Please contact us for more details

    Tel/Fax: +963 (11) 54 27 909 / +963 (11) 47 37 0090/1  
Email: ean-syria@net.sy / gs1syria@mail.sy