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Who Own This Barcode?


GS1 Prefix 62140008
Company Name Al Omar For Food Industries
Arabic Company Name شركة العمر للصناعات الغذايئة
General Informations
Company Address Al Sham High Way P.O.Box : 311 Homs
Arabic Company Address طريق الشام ص.ب : 311 حمص
Manager Name Akram Nourieh
Phones 031-4866886/7 / 0954-757004 / 0993-434837
Email dima.rahimah@fruity-sy.com
City Homs
Industry registration Number 2nd - 1
Industry Room Number
Commerce Registration Number 2nd - 2928
Commerce Room Number 1763
Employee Number 150
Industry Type Food Sector
Authorized To Sign Akram Nourieh - Ebtisam Al Helou - Firas Shammas
Export Countries Africa - Jordan - Eastern Europe
Company Products
Fruity - Orange - 1000Ml
Fruity - Orange - 1500Ml
Fruity - Orange - 330Ml
Fruity - Cocktail Pet - 1000Ml
Fruity - Cocktail Pet - 1500Ml

Please contact us for more details

    Tel/Fax: +963 (11) 54 27 909 / +963 (11) 47 37 0090/1  
Email: ean-syria@net.sy / gs1syria@mail.sy